Azure functions to interact with D365FnO using bearer tokens
This article talks about performing CRUD operations, using trigger based Azure Functions, that can generate tokens and further posts the payload to D365FnO for processing. Broadly, for ease of understanding, I have split up the entire design into a. Token generation logic: we are going to generate a short lived bearer-token, and pass it on to FnO for further executions. b. Storing/retrieving Azure App based parameters: this is most tricky part of the solution. Typically, all developers have a habit of storing environment variables at configuration level. But unfortunately, we cannot take the configuration to server, during the deployment. We can see what all the choices could we have here. c. Posting the payload to D365FnO for furtherance. Additionally (not shown here), you can include logic to validate the incoming data of various fields' data given, to take necessary action, before committing to D365FnO. So, buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is...