
Showing posts from September, 2023

Updated your BuildVM, but have you checked this with your pipeline?

Once we have successfully updated your Build VM with a quality update or service update, we also need to update the 'Add licenses to your deployable package' step, if your pipeline does have this step: For this, you need to visit your LCS and check the version of the VM instance: Copy the build version, and paste it in the ' Add licenses to your deployable package ' step: And update it in the highlighted step. That's it. If you don't perform this, the Build, Sync and the rest of the steps of the pipeline process might succeed, but it will fail at the above step.

Examples of Control validations in PowerApps

Many times we have situations where we need to validate various controls on any form. Doing this on PowerApps forms is tricky (being a techie, your default psyche would be to write one line of code to achieve this -- however as you know, that is not the case with the PowerApps: courtesy its low code, no code philosophy 💔💔💔). To check if a control is empty: The following form contains an EmplId field, which is a mandatory field. We can add a label file like this: Go to the label file's Visible event: And write on the following formula: To check if an entered Email Id is correct: And then in the visible event of the label control, you write: As a result, when you run the form, as a preview: Giving something gibberish will give you an error like this. However, giving a proper email Id, this label disappears: Date control validations: Similarly, we can embed a datepicker control and ensure that the user doesn't select a future date, simply by writing: Conditional visibility of c...