WHMS validations: where can I put my code
Ever come across a situation where you needed to induce validations, in Warehouse Management mobile apps, before letting the user finally submit data? For example: you need to check if the supplied value for the target license plate, while shipping a transfer order, must be exactly 12 characters long. Or the supplied date of a warehouse Load must be more than or equal to 5 days from today. Or imagine there is a flag in your warehouse, called Stopped for all transactions and while doing GRN from your mobile app, you need to see if it's a stopped warehouse. For all such situations, there is a trusted class (dedicated exclusively for WHMS) called: WhsControl and you need to wisely put your code there. Essentially WhsControl is a class that has all the variables stacked up in it: the associated WMSLocationId, InventLocationId or ItemId or even the calling menu item. You can simply do a CoC on " processControlUsingDisplay " method, so as to perform these validations and r...