
Talk to D365 F&O using Custom Copilot Studio entities in interactive topics and agents

  Microsoft Copilot Studio is amazing. It’s like a bottomless lake where you could swim getting down and down and keep discovering wonderous pearls. In one of my latest posts I was discussing about the capabilities of Copilot studio to talk to D365F&O using simple techniques like Copilot agents based Power automate calls and analysing the responses in ChatGPT: Let us talk today a further step down, where we can leverage Custom entities in our copilot Agents to respond to inputs to Copilot chat inputs. What are entities in Copilot Studio? We can compare them as data types. When you ask a question like this: How is the weather of Mumbai today? The response you would get is: Average of 25 degrees Celsius, with chances of scattered rainfall, around noon. The answer is more of a crisp weather condition description, which we can say of type: weather report. We can likewise ask ques...

Implement Azure AI speech for specially abled users

  Wassup guys? Here is a very popular AI service offered by Azure AI, that can just not decode any text to speech, but also can convert speech to text as well. Yeah, you heard me right -- it can do so effortlessly and with absolute accuracy.  Given the speed and accuracy with which it can do the same, it can help any business, in a lot many areas, viz., a. Helping Specially abled readers to communicate/interact with outside world b. Integrating any speech to be apprehended and saved as media (sound) file as a Blob or a SharePoint attachment. c. Buget friendly and auto-scaleable. d. Selecting your preferred model (accent, gender, impetus, emphasis) for the voice generator e. Real time/near real time integration abilities Create an Azure AI speech resource  Here is an example that can help you in implementing the same. Reach out to and create the following resource: Speech Service -- Here are the details: 1. Select a proper resource group/create a n...

Switch legal entities in D365F&O, using Copilot

  Amigos, use this cool hack to or switch between legal entities, using Copilot sidecar chats. For example, when we ask the Copilot: to change the legal entity, here is the response that we get: Unimpressive, eh? It's replying by saying the steps to change between legal entities, embdedding the links from Microsoft learn.  Now, let us bring some life into it. Log on to: and choose the correct environment from the dropdown: Choose from Agents >> Copilot for Fiance and Operations apps: This is where you can define topics, actions, knowledge, Activities and a lot of other staffs that can contain the overall behavior of Copilot chat.  Click on Topics >> Add a topic >> Choose Topic from the Blank:   This is where you would land: Start by giving a proper name to your chat topc: In the Phrases >> Edit >> add prompts like this: In the + symbol from below, select Add a question : Frame your question like ...

Integrating large data exchange leveraging Azure CosmosDB with D365F&O using Azure Functions

  Hi friends, we would be discussing today about a very powerful integration strategy: integrating Cosmos Db to D365F&O using Azure Functions. Scenario:  If you have large datasets coming to D365F&O system, and you want the data to be processed on a near-real time momentum, then plugging CosmosDB to D365F&O with Azure functions could be a very powerful option.   When should you use Cosmos Db: Azure Cosmos DB natively partitions your data for high availability and scalability. Azure Cosmos DB offers 99.99% guarantees for availability, throughput, low latency, and consistency on all single-region accounts and all multi-region accounts with relaxed consistency, and 99.999% read availability on all multi-region database accounts. Azure Cosmos DB has SSD backed storage with low-latency order-of-millisecond response times. Azure Cosmos DB's support for consistency levels like eventual, consistent prefix, session, and bounded-staleness allows for full flexibilit...