
Showing posts from July, 2023

How to handle the error "Could not grant admin consent. Your organization does not have a subscription (or service principal) for the following API(s): Dynamics ERP" in Azure Portal

  If you are an RnD minded developer, any time in your life you must have faced this situation: You needed to perform some POCs on Azure App registrations in your trial Azure instance. You are using a trial Azure sign up instance, using your credit card. You needed to let your Azure App to grant access to Dynamics ERP. So you went to Azure App registrations --> API permissions and Grant admin consent for default directory: But uh-oh, snap!!! You got this error:  Could not grant admin consent. Your organization does not have a subscription (or service principal) for the following API(s): Dynamics ERP . You googled and found out this happens, when you are not a 'Global administrator'. You checked from Azure Directory users' privileges. Yes, you're already a global admin. Then? What happened? What is causing this error?  The following steps, could help you in resolving the same. Read along. Step 1: visit the following site to set up a Premium P2 trial https://learn.micr...

Integration using Azure service topics with D365F&O, using Azure functions: a strategy, Part-2

For creating a service bus namespace, topic, subscription and automatic data filtration, please follow my previous blog: Ok, all set? Let us now explore how to consume the message received from Service bus to D365FO, using Azure Functions.  Step 1: Creating the Azure function In your Visual Studio (alternately you can also use Visual Studio Code) -- create new project --> in the template search for  Azure function, the following screen appears: Select Function = Service Bus Topic Trigger. Here Topic name is = is the name of my topic which I created in my service bus, subscription name is the name of my subscription which I created.    In the Connection String property, just write: sbConStr for now. Will explain what's this in the next point. Click create to continue. Step 2: Getting the connection string To get the connection string, go to Azure Functions --> Shared Access Po...

Integration using Azure service topics with D365F&O, using Azure functions: a strategy, Part-1

  We all know and have worked a lot with Azure Service Bus:  queues, topics, and the tattletale around them. Given the rich set of advantages (dead lettering, decoupled applications, load balancers, safety routing -- only to name a few)you could get from them, ASBs are really becoming more and more a very powerful Azure component to consume and deal with. The following article explains how you can use ASBs, to make your Azure function listen to them, and then talk to D365F&O -- in a most cost effective way. Step 1: Creating an Azure service bus namespace: You can create a ASB by simply launching from Azure Portal, and selecting the essential elements which you need, as per your business requirement.  Enter/select a resource group, give a namespace name. Select: Pricing tier = 'Premium'. Selecting 'Basic' or 'Standard' or enable the Queue option, otherwise.  Post this, additionally you can check if you need to specify anything explicitly, by clicking on '...