Using Python to plot D365FO data and visualize the trend, by using dataframes


I am sure you must have read my earlier post:, which outlines a way of reading the data from D365FO, using Python. This post will help you just not fetching the data from F&O, but also visualise the data plot against x and y axes and then understanding the trend of your business (eg: you can see which Item is a high demand item, which customer has made the maximum transactions across a given time frame -- even when could a customer potentially could transact again: examples galore).

And uh, ok -- before you proceed you have read the above post first and make sure:

a. You have installed Jupyter notebook on your machine (it's free and absolutely easy to install and operate).

b. You have a valid Microsoft Entra Id configured and given API permission to D365F&O.

c. You have listed the client Id in your D365F&O side Entra Id registration.

Before we begin, let us quickly check: what is a Dataframe in Python:

A Pandas DataFrame is a 2 dimensional data structure, like a 2 dimensional array, or a table with rows and columns. Think of it like a flatfile or 2 X 2 data set structure. 

Ok, all set? Let's begin, shall we?

Step-1: Import necessary module packages:

import requests

import json 

import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

The package 'matplotlib.pyplot' is the one which we would be actually needing for plotting the data. The pandas package in Python is a well known package for providing fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with “relational” or “labeled” data both easy and intuitive. It aims to be the fundamental high-level building block for doing practical, real-world data analysis in Python.

Step-2: Define your variables --

CLIENT_SECRET = '##Your client secret here'

TENANT_ID = '##your Tenant Id here'

tokenendpoint =  "" + TENANT_ID + "/oauth2/token"

CLIENT_ID = '##your client Id here'

GRANT_TYPE = 'client_credentials'

RESOURCE =  '##your base your URL here'

basUrl = '##your base URL here again, but this time ending witha '/'' 

Step-3: Getting the response from D365FO:

You need to generate the token and can obtain the response JSON payload from D365FO by the way outlined in our previous post: 

test_api_url = f"{basUrl}/data/CustTransactions"

api_call_response = requests.get(test_api_url, headers=api_call_headers)

Evidently we are calling the data-entity CustTransactions and would like to plot customer vs transaction amounts.

Step-4: Loading the data in a dataframe and plotting it



    custTrans = api_call_response.json()

    mapTrans = {}

    #loop through it

    for x in custTrans['value']:

        mapTrans[x['OrderAccount']] = x['AmountCur']


    custAccounts = list(mapTrans.keys())

    amountCur = list(mapTrans.values())

    #tick_label does the some work as plt.xticks()

    plt.plot(custAccounts, amountCur)

    plt.ylabel('Transaction amounts')


except KeyError:

    #handle any missing key errors

    print('Could not parse D365FO results')

Whoa whoa whoa: so many things have happened in the above code. First I am loading up the response JSON in a JSON object variable: custTrans. Then I am initializing a 'dictionary' element called 'mapTrans' which will work as key-value pair variable containing my customers and their corresponding transactions. This I am doing by simply looping through each transaction of the custTrans and identifying the keys and their corresponding values. 

Once done, I am splitting up the values between keys and values by ascribing them on an x-Axis values, called custAccounts, and a y-axis values called amountCur (which are actually list type variables).

Finally, its simple: I am plotting y-axis values against x-axis values and showing it:

You can further check only y-axis values (for example; if you want to find out how are diffrent Items getting sold in the market), simply by:


Where ItemIds is a list that contains the list of the Items sold over differnt transactions. Just try 'InventTransCDSEntities' entity and then store the details in a list variable and plot it:


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