Predict lung cancer malignancy, using Azure AI ML studio, using Deep learning (low code-no code)


Amigos, in this blog, I will try to show how we can implement Azure ML Studio to predict complex forecasting answers, with the help of Azure Pipelines and ML jobs. I have covered how to setup Azure ML learning studio and pieplines, earlier in my blogposts:

This post would give you an impression as to how leverage large datasets to evaluate a complex possibility (any patient having chances of relapses of a disease like Cancer/ its malignancy), by doing Classification based algorithm, without practically writing a single line of code.

Here goes the steps:

Step 1: Creating a data-ML job --

Once you have created An Azure ML Studio Workspace, you can crawl down to Automated ML Jobs section as shown below:

Click on Add and the following screen would come:

Fill it out, as shown. In the experiment, I have selected New experiment; Alternately, you can select an existing one.
Click Next. 
Under Basic settings tab >> select Task Type as Classfication (as becuase you are going to classify the outcome as Cancerous or non-cancerous).

Click on Create to proceed:

Fill out the screen as follows; do select Type as Tabular:

Select Source as web files in the next screen:

This will take you to the following screen:
I took the data from the following Github URL repo:
Hence I am pasting the same out here:

Clicking on Next would take some time to get things validated and take you to the next screen, giving you how the system has interpreted the data in a tabular format:

Click on next; in the next screen it will give you the columns involved. You can include/exclude any cloumn as per you need, however please do not change anything, as each of these components are pretty useful in prediciting maliganancy:

And in the next step, click on Create to create the data step:

 Once the data gets created, you would come back to the screen, from where you started it all:

Select the dataset you just create and Click on Next. 

And in the following screen, we are selecting the column we need for prediction:

Also do enable Deep learning. For additional setitngs, click on Addtional configuration settings: and select the algorithms which you do not want to get executed here:

I have exluded them purposely, as they are not really related to classification algorithms. excluding them, would just save some cost.

Click on Save.

Click on Validation Type as: K-Cross validation, and test data as 30% of data, as a result 70% of the data would be kept for training and 30% as testing:

Click Next to continue. Here you can select Computer cluster (they are cheaper and quite cost saving: able to scale down when not in need). I created one before hand and am using the same here:


Once done, now you can put it for training job:

 Here you need to wait, till the time the algo completes the training, by going through the model again and again (called as Epochs).

Step 2: Create and endpoint

Once the training is complete, it looks like:

Click on Model+Child Jobs, to see the list of associated jobs created along with.

Select the one with AUC weight that is close to 1 >> Click Deploy to continue:

Choose Real time time endpoint. The following scteen will appear:

Choose the necessary Virtual machine and click on Deploy button to continue. This will initialise the deployment and will consequently turn you back to the following screen:

Click on Endpoints and it will show you the endppoint which you just deployed. Will be under provisioning state:

It will be shown as Creating state:

Once done, teh deployment looks like this:

Uh, now it's ready -- let us test it.

Step 3: testing the endpoint --

Click on Test tab: 

I tested with the following JSON:


  "input_data": {

    "columns": [















      "CHEST PAIN"


    "index": [1],

    "data": ["M",69,1,2,2,1,1,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2]



And the answer came: YES

You can automate the testing by calling from a web service/API/Azure function directly -- like the example given in my previous post.


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